Sunday, November 15, 2009

10702 Orlando Ave- Insulation, Sheetrock and Theft

Its been a great week of progress on Orlando. The insulation was complete and the sheet rock installation is about 80%. The remainder of the stone and boulders were delivered in anticipation of the brick starting.

On Wedneday I walked in the house at 1:30p and turned around to look in the backyard and noticed a man walk out the back door. He saw me and immediatly started "acting" like he was picking up trash. I asked him who he was and what he was doing. At the time we agreed he was at the wrong house after I walked the house and noticed nothing missing or out of place. I didnt think anything more about it until the next morning when I was in the attic and noticed all the copper freon lines cut and wound up. I put the clues together and remembered the encounter. I had scared the man out of the attic the day before when he was cutting the lines. He didnt get away with anything but he did ruin all the freon lines and the copper coils on both A/C units. I took a picture of the lines after I put them in my vehicle. The local newspaper ran a story about copper theft on the rise the day before this incident, so I blame the paper for reminding these thugs where to get money. Haha. I hadnt been that mad in a long time when I was in the attic and discovered this that morning. Not so much because of the money (its covered under insurance) but because this thug was in my house in broad daylight when I was there. But this is the world we live in and part of being a builder. I knew it was bound to happen, I just didnt want it to happen anytime soon. I have heard of much worse stories of constructiong theft going on in this same neighborhood. With the economy down and Christmas approaching....LOCK your doors.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like somebody's lost his knack for busting thieves! The email below is from Jordan. It's dated March 14, 2004...

    I got up this morn at 730am and went to the thermostat like usual to adjust it. And then I always go take a look out the window to check the weather. I see clouds and a little old lady walking by across the street.

    Yesterday my neighbor sprayed some of his grass with some weed b gone. Ya know the type in the little green bottle that costs an arm and a leg. Anyway my neighbor had left his weed b gone right outside his garage door. I see this little old lady walk by and walk straight up his driveway and 5 finger the weed b gone and stash it inside her over sized coat.

    I dont even know my neighbor but it ticked me off. So I threw on some clothes hopped on my bike (quick access) and went racing down the street to bust this lady. I pull up and asked her, "did you just take my neighbors weed b gone"?? She stuttered and said, "it was on the sidewalk". I said, "No it wasnt, it was by the garage", and she insisted it was on the sidewalk. I said, "I just saw you take that" and I took it outta her hand and took off back to the homestead. I will introduce myself to my neighbor this afternoon and hand over the weed B gone.

    I felt good cause I had busted another thief before 8:00AM

    Theres nothing worse than a thief!!!

