Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Christmas 2009

Hope everyone had a Merry White Christmas!

Hwy 84 Wind Mills

This past weekend I got the chance to fly to Dallas and visit some of my family. On the drive home I couldnt believe the amount of windmills that have gone up on Hwy 84. These things are gigantic and fun to see. I have heard that the motor that the wings attach to is as big as a suburban!

Monday, December 14, 2009

4012 107th St- Yard Cleared

4012 is coming along nicely. Last week the retaining wall was complete, so the yard could be levelled and the fence posts were installed. On the inside the tile is almost done and the electricians/plumbers will trim out soon.

9302 Grover- Framing Complete

Despite the freezing temperatures this house trucked on last week and the framers got it done. These guys dont believe in weather days. The windows will be installed today and the roof will be dried-in.

9208 Genoa- Painting and Staining

The interior of Genoa has been stained and the walls will be painted this week. It seems like the schedule for this house just keeps hitting right. I will look up and this house will be finished soon!
Next up: Floor and shower tile.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

9302 Grover Avenue Framing Progress

The Grover spec house framing should be complete by the end of this week. This house will have 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, office, and dining. This floor plan has it all!!

End of Year Inventory

It's that time of the year to do inventory. I hired my little girl to count left over shingles and scrap lumber. She was qualified for the job since she can count to ten.

10702 Orlando Brick Progress

The face of Orlando is slowly taking shape. The weather has sure put a damper on the brick progress. There will be a total of 7 brick/stone arches on the front of this house!!!